Regular Session RS21

Chairs: Thomas Stieglitz, Kenichi Yoshida
12mn presentation + 3mn questions/transition

Paper 27 – Nicolas Julémont, Antoine Nonclercq, Alain Delchambre and Anne Vanhoestenberghe. “A study on cross-talk nerve stimulation: electrode placement and current leakage lid.

Paper 32 Pablo Aqueveque, Vicente Acuña, Francisco Saavedra, Adrien Debelle, Laurent Lonys, Nicolas Julémont, François Huberland, Carmen Godfraind and Antoine Nonclercq. “Power Strategy in DC/DC Converters to Increase Efficiency of Electrical Stimulators.”

Paper 38 – Wafa Tigra, David Guiraud, David Andreu, Bertrand Coulet, Anthony Gelis, Charles Fattal, Pawel Maciejasz, Chloé Picq, Olivier Rossel, Jacques Teissier and Christine Azevedo Coste. “Exploring selective neural electrical stimulation for upper limb functions restoration.”

Paper 55 – Philip Troyk, Zhe Hu and Glenn Demichele. “Parallel electrochemical measurements of implanted neural recording microelectrodes.”

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